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Hebrew Senior Care

Financial Assistance Program

Flu Season

Hebrew Senior Care takes every precaution to ensure the safety of our patients, especially as flu season approaches. We are committed to protecting our patients, clients, members and staff, and have implemented the following precautionary measures. 


♥ All staff must provide proof of immunization for influenza without exception. Individuals who cannot receive the vaccination for medical reasons must wear personal protection to minimize the spread of contaminants. 

♥ Volunteers and paid entertainment also must provide proof of immunization for influenza or wear protective masks to continue their activities on our premises.

♥ We request that families, vendors, and other visitors who exhibit signs and symptoms of illness refrain from visiting the building.

If you have any questions about our infection control policies, please do not hesitate to contact Kathy Smith, RN, Infection Preventionist at 860.218.2314.